Hurricane Marie- 1 year Later
NBC Ch 4 News Report on Con Edison Crews Depart for Puerto Rico
OPEN BxRx Tuesday | OCHO Calling On United Nations To Decolonize Puerto Rico
Bill Alicea & Jose Rivera takes Walter Alomar from Con Edison on tour video by Jose Rivera 11/12/17
Puerto Rican Nationalist Party Hosts US Out of PR at El Maestro Inc.
Open Tuesday | OCHO: Decolonize Puerto Rico
Evelyn Mejil tours and meets Walterio Alomar and the Con Edison Workers Video by Jose Rivera
Diálogo Abierto: Monumento Recordación Huracán María, Mes de la Hispanidad, Expansión Metro North
East Harlem monument honors Hurricane Maria victims
Interview with Filmmaker/Director Walter Alomar Talks about Crisis in Puerto Rico
Karukerament EV - Colonization is Extinction - Interview with Walter Alomar
Every year, OCHO attends the decolonization hearings held by the United Nations, and speaks on behalf of the people of Puerto Rico to petition for the United States to once and for all call for an end to the Colonial Status of the island. Below you will see footage of some of the presentations.

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United Nations Decolonization Hearings 2021
On June 18, 2021, Walter Alomar petitioned the United Nations at the annual C24 Committee Hearings to demand the release of Puerto Rico from its Colonial Status and to once again implore the UN to demand Congress grant its independence.
Bronx's Puerto Rican community holds event to remember the Ponce Massacre

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Open Tuesday | OCHO: Decolonize Puerto Rico
Host of OPEN Tuesday, Sonyi Lopez, is joined by Walter “Gualterio” Alomar, President of Organization for Culture of Hispanic Origins, to discuss their film, “Colonization is Extinction”, the Puerto Rico Self-Determination Act of 2021, plans for a Hurricane Maria Victims Monument at Taino Towers and more. Producers: Sonyi Lopez & Franchesca Feliz Editor : Franchesca Feliz Production Assistant : Rebecca Hemick For more information on BronxNet visit us at- https://bronxnet.org/ Follow us on Facebook at- https://www.facebook.com/BronxNetTV Follow us on Twitter at- https://twitter.com/BronxnetTV Follow us on Instagram at- https://www.instagram.com/bronxnettv
New podcast out now with Luis Lizarazo, of Variado Talent- Advocacy, Activism, and Experience. Hit the link below to check it out.